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CMCO / PKPB Extended To 14 January For 6 States / Areas!

MKN just announced that CMCO will be extended to 14 January 2021 for 6 states / territories, but will end for 3 other states / territories.

Here is the list of states and territories where CMCO will be extended, and where they will end!


Areas Where CMCO / PKPB Is Extended To 14 January 2021

With daily highs in COVID-19 cases, the Malaysian National Security Council (MKN) announced another extension of the CMCO / PKPB lockdown of these states and territories.

This extended CMCO / PKPB lockdown will now end on 14 January 2021.


Areas Where CMCO Will End On 28 December 2020

On the other hand, the situation has improved in these areas, and their CMCO / PKPB lockdown will end on 28 December 2020.


Latest SOP For Extended CMCO In Peninsular Malaysia

Here is the latest MKN SOP on what’s allowed and what’s not allowed in CMCO / PKPB areas in Peninsular Malaysia :



For more details, please see New CMCO SOP (December 2020) For Peninsular Malaysia


COVID-19 : How To Keep Safe!

Here are a few simple steps to stay safe from COVID-19 :

Recommended : COVID-19 : Hand Sanitiser or Soap? Which Is Better?
Recommended : Surgical Mask : How To CORRECTLY Wear + Remove!
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Grocery Shopping Safety During COVID-19
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