Illegal Chicken Processing Facility In Cheras Shut Down!

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In addition to shutting down the Yamarico tea noodle factory, DBKL also shut down an illegal chicken processing facility in Cheras!

Illegal Chicken Processing Facility In Cheras Shut Down!


Illegal Chicken Processing Facility In Cheras Shut Down!

On Tuesday, 23 June 2020, an 11-member team from the DBKL Food Quality Unit raided a house that was being used illegally as a chicken processing facility.

The house, located at No. 17, Jalan 17A, Kampung Cheras Baru, Kuala Lumpur, was owned and operated as a poultry slaughterhouse by LC Chicken Enterprise.

LC Chicken Enterprise Cheras LC Chicken Enterprise Cheras

They ordered this illegal chicken processing plant shut down under Section 101(1)(v) of the Local Government Act 1976, after discovering that LC Chicken Enterprise :

  • illegally used a residential premise as a chicken processing facility
  • employed two Indonesian workers
  • kept roughly 60 chickens on-premise
  • did not have a DBKL business licence
  • did not follow the proper SOP for a chicken processing facility
  • discharged chicken blood and effluents directly into a public drain

They also shared these six other pictures taken at the illegal chicken processing plant :

  • Cheras chicken farm 03
  • Cheras chicken farm 04
  • Cheras chicken farm 05
  • Cheras chicken farm 06
  • Cheras chicken farm 07
  • Cheras chicken farm 08


LC Chicken Enterprise Chicken Processing Facility : Original DBKL Post

This was the original post by DBKL in Bahasa Malaysia :


Operasi berkenaan yang dilaksanakan oleh Unit Kualiti Makanan, Jabatan Kesihatan dan Alam Sekitar dan Jabatan Penguatkuasaan DBKL pada 23 Jun 2020 (Selasa) di sebuah rumah kediaman, No. 17, Jln 17A, Kg. Cheras Baru, KL

Sejumlah 11 anggota terlibat dalam operasi ini.

Hasil siasatan dan pemeriksaan DBKL mendapati :

Menyalahguna pakai premis kediaman sebagai tempat menyimpan dan memproses ayam segar;
Pekerja warga asing 2 org warga Indonesia;
Anggaran belaan ayam berjumlah lebih kurang 60 ekor;
Tiada Lesen Perniagaan dari DBKL;
Beroperasi tanpa mngikut SOP Pusat penyembelihan ayam oleh PBT;
Mengalirkan darah/efluen terus ke longkang awam; dan
Lokasi yang tidak sesuai kerana berada di zon kediaman.

Sehubungan dengan itu, notis tutup premis di bawah Akta Kerajaan Tempatan 1976 –
Seksyen 101(1)(v) berkuatkuasa 24 Jun 2020 telah dikeluarkan.

Sebarang aduan berhubung kebersihan boleh disalurkan ke Pusat Panggilan Setempat DBKL di talian 1 800 88 3255 atau terus ke Jabatan Kesihatan dan Alam Sekitar DBKL.


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