Karex Pontian : Closed After 28 COVID-19 Cases!

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Karex – the world’s largest condom manufacturer – shut down their Pontian facility after 28 employees there tested positive for COVID-19!

Find out what happened, and if you need to be concerned!


Karex Pontian Closed After 28 Workers Gets COVID-19!

On 21 December 2020, Karex informed Bursa Malaysia that they closed their catheter facility in Pontian after 28 COVID-19 cases were detected there.

They started screening their employees at all facilities from 23 November 2020 onwards, detecting a total of 35 cases :

  • 28 cases at their Pontian facility on 16 December 2020, and
  • another 7 isolated cases at two other condom factories.

Karex Pontian : Closed After 28 COVID-19 Cases!

Karex decided to shut down their Pontian catheter facility from 21 December until 24 December 2020, to allow for disinfection and sanitisation operations.

They will resume operations at Karex Pontian in stages starting 25 December 2020.

While Karex had already concluded the screening of all of their employees – over 2000 foreign and local workers – they will continue to screen for COVID-19 across their facilities.


Karex : Official Statement On COVID-19 Cases

Here is the official Karex announcement on the COVID-19 positive case at their condom factories :

Karex wishes to inform that commencing 23 November 2020, we had decided to voluntarily conduct COVID‐19 screening for our employees, both local and foreign across all of our facilities in Malaysia.

We wish to inform that, to‐date, we have completed routine screening of over 2,000 of our employees and have discovered a total of 35 positive cases. 28 of these cases were recently discovered during the screening conducted at our catheter facility in Pontian, Johor on 16 December 2020. The other 7 isolated cases were detected in our other two condom factories.

We immediately notified the Ministry of Health (“MOH”) and have worked with them to identify close contacts of our affected employees as well as to ensure that our affected employees were provided proper medical care and placed in quarantine for subsequent screening.

The affected catheter facility is currently temporarily closed to carry out disinfection and sanitization procedures and is expected to resume operations in stages beginning 25 December 2020.

Karex will continue to adhere to the standard operating procedures as directed by the National Security Council and the MOH in order to ensure the necessary safeguards are in place to prevent the spread of COVID‐19 and to ensure that our employees are provided a safe and healthy working environment.

We will continue to conduct screening across all of our facilities and provide updates on the matter.


Karex COVID-19 Cases : Should You Be Concerned?

There is no need to be concerned, unless you supply goods to Fa factories in Shah Alam, or are in close contact with their employees.

There is no evidence that COVID-19 can spread through fomites – contaminated objects. So there is NO NEED to worry that you can get infected through Panasonic products.

Panasonic Malaysia and the Malaysia Ministry of Health (KKM) are definitely conducting contact tracing of the affected employees. Those identified as close contacts will be asked to self-quarantine, and get tested for COVID-19.


COVID-19 : How To Keep Safe!

Here are a few simple steps to stay safe from COVID-19 :

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