6-Month Loan Moratorium : Why You Should TAKE It!

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What If You Extend Loan Tenure By 6 Months?

Loan Moratorium Financial Impact : Extend Loan Tenure By 6 Months

Here is the financial impact of extending the loan tenure by 6 months, step by step.

We will use the same scenario as the rest – a NEW RM 500,000 loan with an interest rate of 4.25% per annum, and a 30-year tenure.

Step 1 : Calculate The Instalment Deferred

First, you need to know how much money the 6-month loan moratorium is going to put in your pocket :

Month Instalment Deferred
April RM 2,459.70
May RM 2,459.70
June RM 2,459.70
July RM 2,459.70
August RM 2,459.70
September RM 2,459.70
TOTAL RM 14,758.20

Okay, now we know that the loan moratorium will let you keep RM 2,459.70 of your money every month, giving you just over RM 14,750 to use during this COVID-19 crisis.

Step 2 : Calculate The Compounding Interest

During the 6-month loan moratorium, you will NOT be paying the bank a single cent. So the banks will generally charge you compounding interest – interest will be charged on the interest accrued to date.

Month Compounding Interest
April RM 1,770.83
May RM 1,777.10
June RM 1,783.37
July RM 1,789.65
August RM 1,795.92
September RM 1,802.19
TOTAL RM 10,719.06

The bank will charge you about RM 10,720 in accrued, compounded interest at the end of six months.

At the end of the 6-month loan moratorium, the bank will add this EXTRA interest and restructure your loan, and you resume paying your new monthly instalments.

Step 3 : Calculate The EXTRA Interest For The Full Term

To calculate how much it will cost you at the end of your loan (now extended by 6 months), you need to use one of the many loan amortisation Excel templates or online calculators.

Just fill in the details, with and without the extra interest, and you will get the total interest at the end of the 30-year loan.

For your convenience, here is the table we came up with :

No Moratorium With Moratorium
Loan Principal RM 500,000 RM 500,000
Interest Rate 4.25% 4.25%
Loan Period 360 Months 366 Months
Extra Interest RM 10,719.06
New Loan Principal RM 500,000 RM 510,719.06
New Monthly Instalment RM 2,459.70 RM 2,492.08
Total Interest RM 385,491.80 RM 401,382.22
TOTAL RM 885,491.80 RM 912,101.28
DIFFERENCE Baseline + RM 26,609.48

If you opt-out of the loan moratorium, you will end up paying RM 885,491.80 by the end of the loan.

If you take the loan moratorium, you will pay RM 912,101.28 – an additional RM 26,609.48.

Step 4 : Calculate The Nett Cost To You

That sounds like a lot, doesn’t it? But wait a minute – did you forget the money you pocketed in beginning?

If you kept it in your house, under your mattress, you will end up paying interest on it for 366 months at 4.25% per annum.

But if you use 6-month instalment to invest (Seed Money) for the full term of 366 months, you can potentially MAKE MONEY from it. Take a look :

Fixed Deposit
(2.5% pa)
EPF (5% pa) ASM (5.5%) ASB (8.5%)
After 366 Months + RM 31,611.02 + RM 67,601.53 + RM 78,686.08 + RM 195,421.78
Seed Money – RM 14,758.20 – RM 14,758.20 – RM 14,758.20 – RM 14,758.20
Gross Profit / Loss + RM 16,852.82 + RM 52,843.33 + RM 63,927.88 + RM 180,663.58
Extra Interest – RM 26,609.48 – RM 26,609.48 – RM 26,609.48 – RM 26,609.48
NETT Profit / Loss – RM 9,756.66
– 3.54% p.a.
+ RM 26,233.85
+ 3.35% p.a.
+ RM 37,318.48
+ 4.14% p.a.
+ RM 154,054.10
+ 8.01% p.a.

Historical average : FD (3.77% pa), EPF (6.2% pa) ASM (6.65% pa), ASB (9.9% pa)
In our examples, we opted to use significantly more conservative numbers, as a worst case scenario.

Now, putting it into FD will result in a LOSS, so you should only do that if you plan to keep the money in reserve for emergencies, but want to minimise the loss. It will cut down the “cost” from RM 26.6K to just RM 9.8K.

But if you invest into anything more than the bank interest rate (we used 4.25% as an example), then you stand to make really substantial gains after 30.5 years.

  • EPF : Nett profit of RM 26,233.85, which is more than 1.5X the seed amount (+178%).
  • ASM : Nett profit of RM 37,318.48, which is 2.5X the seed amount (+253%).
  • ASB : Nett profit of RM 154,054.10, which is more than 10X the seed amount (+1044%).

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