Malaysia COVID-19 Lockdown : Frequently Asked Questions!

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Malaysia Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin announced the COVID-19 lockdown for Malaysia in broad strokes. This has led many people to wonder about the details.

The Malaysian National Security Council has just shared their answers to many frequently asked questions about the COVID-19 lockdown for Malaysia!

Malaysia COVID-19 Lockdown : Frequently Asked Questions!


Malaysia COVID-19 Lockdown : What Is It?

At 10 PM on 16 March 2020, Malaysia Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin announced a nationwide lockdown across Malaysia to combat COVID-19.

The nationwide lockdown on travel, work and business in Malaysia will last from 18 March until 31 March, 2020.

During this time, all government and private offices and businesses will be closed, except those providing essential services.

COVID-19 Malaysia Lockdown summary

Although there are no restrictions on travel within Malaysia during this lockdown, you will have nowhere to go, as all shops will be closed, except supermarkets, grocery shops and convenience stores selling essential items.

Schools, colleges, universities, cinemas, and so on, will also be closed. Cafes and restaurants will be closed for dine-in patrons, but you will be able to take-away food, or have them delivered to you.

We highly recommend that everyone just stay in your homes, and ride out the COVID-19 pandemic. Think of it as a 2-week government-mandated holiday! 😀

Chin up, Malaysians because Malaysia Boleh!

Recommended : Malaysia NATIONWIDE COVID-19 Restrictions : Full Details!


Malaysia COVID-19 Lockdown : Frequently Asked Questions!

Here are the answers to some frequently asked questions on the lockdown that the Malaysia National Security Council issued on 17 May 2020, with our English translation.

1. Adakah Majlis Keraian/ Perkahwinan/ Kenduri atau sebagainya boleh diadakan?

Upacara pernikahan boleh dilaksanakan dengan tidak melibatkan kehadiran ramai. Bagi Majlis Persandingan dan Resepsi serta majlis lain, disarankan untuk ditangguhkan sehingga isu penularan COVID-19 di Malaysia tamat.

1. Can Celebrations / Weddings or similar Gatherings be held?

Wedding solemnisations may proceed without involving many participants. But wedding receptions and other celebrations are advised to be postponed until the spread of COVID-19 in Malaysia ends.

2. Adakah Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan mempunyai tempoh waktu tertentu sepanjang 18 – 31/3/2020?

Tidak. Perintah ini berkuatkuasa setiap masa tanpa tempoh waktu tertentu.

2. Is the Movement Control Order in effect during a particular time period throughout 18 – 31/3/2020?

No. This order is effective at all times without a specific time period.

3. Sekiranya barang keperluan habis, adakah boleh keluar membeli dan terus balik?


3. If I run out of necessities, can I leave to purchase them and return immediately?


4. Saya merupakan seorang warganegara Malaysia dan suami saya merupakan warganegara UK. Adakah kami dibenarkan pulang ke Malaysia dalam tempoh sekatan ini?

Boleh dengan syarat pasangan boleh membuktikan kesahan perkahwinan tersebut sama ada didaftarkan dengan Kerajaan Malaysia atau Kerajaan negara asal. Pasangan perlu melaksanakan pemeriksaan kesihatan dan kuarantin secara sukarela (self quarantine) bagi mengurangkan kebarangkalian dijangkiti atau menyebarkan jangkitan kepada orang lain.

4. I am a Malaysian citizen and my husband is a UK citizen. Are we allowed to return to Malaysia during this period?

Yes, with the condition that you can certify your marriage whether it was registered with the Malaysian government, or the government of your origin.

You will both be required to undergo health examinations and self quarantine to reduce the risk of infection or spread to other people.

5. Anak saya yang merupakan seorang pelajar di institusi luar negara. Adakah beliau dibenarkan pulang ke Malaysia?

Dibenarkan. Mana-mana rakyat Malaysia yang sedang berada di luar negara boleh pulang dalam tempoh sekatan ini. Walau bagaimanapun, individu tersebut perlu melaksanakan pemeriksaan kesihatan dan kuarantin secara sukarela (self quarantine) bagi mengurangkan kebarangkalian dijangkiti atau menyebarkan jangkitan kepada orang lain.

5. My child is a student in a foreign institution. Is he/she allowed to return to Malaysia?

Allowed. All Malaysian citizens currently overseas are allowed to return during this period. However, the individual must undergo a health check-up, and self quarantine to reduce the risks of infection or spread to other people.

6. Saya merupakan pemegang pas jangka masa panjang di Malaysia dan telah pulang ke negara asal saya sebelum Perintah ini dikeluarkan. Adakah saya dibenarkan untuk kembali ke Malaysia bagi tujuan kerja semasa tempoh sekatan ini?

Hanya migran asing yang bekerja di dalam sektor perkhidmatan penting negara (essential services) sahaja yang dibenarkan masuk semula ke Malaysia dalam tempoh sekatan ini. Migran asing tersebut perlu mendapatkan satu surat pengesahan daripada majikan masing – masing dan perlu dikemukakan kepada Jabatan Imigresen Malaysia semasa berada di pintu masuk.

6. I am a long-term pass holder in Malaysia and returned to my home country before the Order was issued. Am I allowed to return to Malaysia for work purposes during this period?

Only foreign migrants working in the essential services sector are allowed to return to Malaysia during this period. Such foreign migrants must obtain a letter of certification from their respective employers to be presented to the Malaysian Immigration Department on entry.

7. Saya bekerja di Singapura. Adakah saya dibenarkan untuk berulang alik ke pejabat di Singapura?

Tidak. Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan adalah terpakai kepada semua individu yang berada di dalam negara. Dalam hal ini, atas dasar keselamatan komuniti, mana-mana individu yang bekerja di negara jiran tetapi tinggal di Malaysia adalah tidak dibenarkan untuk keluar masuk secara harian dan dipohon untuk memaklumkan kepada majikan masing – masing berkenaan perkara ini. 

7. I work in Singapore. Am I allowed to commute to the Singapore office?

No. The Movement Control Order applies to all individuals within the country. In this regard, on the basis of community safety, any person who works in a neighboring country but lives in Malaysia is not allowed to commute on a daily basis and is asked to inform his or her employer on this matter.

8. Saya telah membuat perancangan untuk bercuti di Malaysia dan telah membuat pembayaran sepatutnya. Adakah saya masih boleh meneruskan percutian saya?

Di bawah Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan, orang ramai dilarang untuk pergi ke mana-mana tempat termasuklah pusat peranginan untuk aktiviti sosial dan sekiranya kunjungan tersebut tidak melibatkan perkara yang berkaitan dengan perkhidmatan penting negara. Anda dinasihatkan tidak meneruskan percutian anda.

8. I made plans for a vacation in Malaysia and have made the appropriate payments. Can I still go on my vacation?

Under the Movement Control Order, the public is prohibited to go anywhere including resorts for social activities, and if the visit does not involve matters of national importance. You are advised not to continue with your vacation.

9. Bolehkah saya memandu ke lapangan terbang untuk mengambil rakan yang baru pulang dari luar negara atau saudara yang bekerja dalam sektor berkaitan perkhidmatan penting negara?

Pergi ke satu tempat dengan cepat dan ringkas adalah dibenarkan di bawah Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan. 

9. Can I drive to the airport to pick up a friend who just returned from abroad or a relative working in the country’s essential services sector?

Heading to a place quickly and for a short time is permitted under the Movement Control Order.

10. Adakah sekolah perlu melaksanakan kelas ganti?

Tidak perlu.

10. Are schools required to provide replacement classes?

Not required.

11. Adakah kelas pengajian dan semua aktiviti yang melibatkan pelajar IPT awam dan swasta serta Institut Latihan Kemahiran tertakluk kepada Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan?


11. Are classes and all activities involving public and private HEIs and Vocational Training Institutes subject to the Movement Control Command?


12. Bagaimana dengan pelajar yang menginap di fasiliti IPT awam dan swasta khususnya pelajar luar negara?

Semua pelajar IPT awam dan swasta perlu diarahkan kembali ke kediaman masing-masing sepanjang tempoh Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan. Pelajar luar negara dinasihatkan pulang ke negara asal dalam tempoh ini. Pelajar yang pulang ke negara asal tidak dibenarkan kembali ke Malaysia sepanjang Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan berkuatkuasa. Pelajar asing yang mengambil keputusan untuk terus berada di negara ini dan menginap di fasiliti IPT awam dan swasta perlu melapor kepada pihak pengurusan IPT dan tertakluk kepada Perintah yang berkuatkuasa.

12. What about students staying in public and private HEIs facilities, especially foreign students?

All public and private HEIs should be ordered to return to their respective homes during the duration of the Movement Control Order. Foreign students are advised to return home during this period. Students returning to their home countries are not allowed to return to Malaysia as long as the Movement Control Order is in force. Foreign students who decide to remain in the country and stay in public and private HEIs facilities must report to the management of the HEIs and be subject to the applicable Order.

13. Adakah kedai makanan seperti makanan segera, restoran atau pusat makanan penjaja boleh dibuka?

Kedai makanan boleh dibuka tetapi hanya untuk makanan yang dibawa pulang sahaja atau melalui perkhidmatan penghantaran oleh syarikat tertentu seperti Grab Food atau Food Panda.

13. Are food outlets like fast food outlets, restaurants or hawker centres allowed to open?

Food outlets are allowed to open, but only for takeaways or home delivery through certain delivery services like Grab Food or Food Panda.

14. Adakah pengangkutan awam seperti Bas, LRT, MRT, KTM boleh beroperasi?

Semua perkhidmatan pengangkutan awam diteruskan dalam tempoh perintah kawalan ini berkuatkuasa.

14. Are public transportation like bus, LRT, MRT, KTM allowed to operate?

All public transportation services will continue during this period.

15. Saya telah membayar penginapan saya di hotel untuk bercuti sebelum Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan diumumkan. Adakah saya boleh meminta wang saya dikembalikan?

Orang ramai digalakkan untuk berbincang terus dengan pihak hotel dalam urusan pengembalian wang yang telah dibayar bagi tempahan yang telah dibuat sebelum Perintah ini diumumkan.

15. I paid for my hotel stay for my vacation before the Movement Control Order was announced. Can I ask for a refund?

The public is advised to discuss directly with the hotel management on the issue of refund for bookings made before the Order was announced.

16. Sekiranya berlaku kematian di rumah (bukan pesakit Covid-19), adakah solat jenazah dan tahlil dibenarkan?

Boleh diuruskan dengan waris terdekat sahaja bersama khariah masjid/surau sahaja. Solat jenazah sahaja tanpa tahlil.

16. In the event of death at home (non-Covid-19 patients), are funeral prayers and tahlil allowed?

Can only be undertaken by the nearest heir with the mosque / surau only. Only funeral prayers without tahlil.


COVID-19 : How To Keep Safe!

Here are a few simple steps to stay safe from COVID-19 :

  • Avoid suspected cases or disease hotpots, like hospitals, if possible!
  • Avoid public events and crowds
  • Keep our hands clean with soap or hand sanitiser
  • Keep our home, office, vehicles, etc. clean
  • If you need to wear a surgical mask, make sure you put it on and remove it properly!
  • Thoroughly cook your food, and boil water before drinking

Recommended : COVID-19 : Hand Sanitiser or Soap? Which Is Better?


Recommended Reading


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