Morons Get Outraged By Obama’s Equal Opportunity Tweet

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The conservatives in United States are constantly being outraged by Barack Obama. It didn’t matter whether whatever he said or did was right or wrong. They are ALWAYS outraged. So it is no surprise that they are, yet again, outraged beyond belief at his latest tweet. According to Joshua Riddle, Barack Obama sounds like a complete moron for making this equal opportunity tweet after the news came out about “Planned Parenthood selling baby parts illegally“. Check it out :

The tweet that got conservatives outraged... for no real reason
The tweet that got conservatives outraged… for no real reason

Joshua Riddle is the co-founder of Young Conservatives, so it is no surprised he’s anti-Obama. But he is also a graduate of the Dartmouth College (I shit you not) and a former editor of The Dartmouth Review (no, sir, I’m not pulling your leg!). I’m just surprised at how low the standard has fallen at Dartmouth College for their graduates to fail so badly at comprehension as well as journalistic integrity and professionalism.

People say that revenge is a dish best served cold. I happen to think the same applies to the debunking of liars.  We will show you why Joshua Riddle is not only wrong, but maliciously so. But first, let’s have the main course of false outrage by these morons. 😀

Oh, the false outrage is HILARIOUS!
Oh, the false outrage is HILARIOUS!

Ooooh! Can you feel the hate just bubbling under the surface, ready to explode in an orgasm of holy (racist) conservative outrage? 😀

Okay, enough with the teasing. Let’s see why Joshua Riddle has falsely misrepresented President Obama’s tweet as something about Planned Parenthood when it has nothing to do with them, or the accusations that they were “selling baby parts illegally“.


What Was Barack Obama’s Tweet About?

On the same day that the Planned Parenthood video was released, President Barack Obama was at the Pennsylvania Convention Centre. He was there to give a speech at the NAACP Conference, at around 5 pm that day. Part of his speech includes this section on investing in Pre-K education :

So one study found that for every dollar we invest in pre-K, we save at least twice that down the road in reduced crime.  Getting a teenager a job for the summer costs a fraction of what it costs to lock him up for 15 years.  Investing in our communities makes sense.  It saves taxpayer money if we are consistent about it, and if we recognize that every child deserve opportunity — not just some, not just our own.


The REAL origin of Obama's tweet
The REAL origin of Obama’s tweet

Does the highlighted portion look familiar? Yes, that is word-for-word exactly the tweet that was sent out on Barack Obama’s official Twitter account the very next day (about 12 hours after his speech). You can read his entire speech in this official release at the White House website.


Who Is The Real Moron, Joshua?

As you can now see, Barack Obama was referring to pre-K education when he said that every child deserve equal opportunity. Obama’s equal opportunity tweet had nothing to do with the Planned Parenthood video, or abortion rights. That speech was also prepared long before the NAACP event in Pennsylvania.

Any journalist or political commentator worth his/her salt would know that. Any editor worth his/her salt would have demanded that a journalist or political commentator check the context of a tweet before posting about it. Obviously, Joshua Riddle is neither.

So the answer to this question is obvious.

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