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My Mexican Fiesta by Gastronomy Mom

‘The history of Mexican food is a long and diverse one. It is believed that authentic Mexican food might have been derived from the Mayan Indians. They were traditionally nomadic hunters and gatherers. Corn tortillas with bean paste were a common food item but they also ate wild game, tropic fruits, and fish.

In the mid 1300’s, The Aztec Empire was thriving, and though the Mayan food staples were still in use, chili peppers, honey, salt and chocolate found its way into their cooking.

In 1521, Spain invaded Mexico. Spanish foods had the most influence on the Mexican cuisine. They introduced new livestock, such as sheep, pigs and cows. They brought with them dairy products, and garlic as well as many different herbs, wheat and spices. It was at this time that the Mexican people saw the assimilation of many other cuisines including Caribbean, South American, French, West African and Portuguese. Because of this Mexican foods today are diverse, yet dishes to vary from region to region.’– World Food & Wine.


My Mexican Fiesta

I decided to whip up some Mexican delicacies at home for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for 5 people. It ended up becoming a Mexican party which lasted a whole day!

Mexican Scrambled Eggs on Focaccia and Mexican Stir-Fried Onions and Mushrooms
Starters – Cornchips with Mango and Tomato Salsa
Mexican Rice with Tortilla Chips
Tortilla with Grilled Portobello Mushrooms and Salsa
Mexican Rice with Tortilla Chips
Mexican Chili Burgers with Grilled Portobello Mushrooms, Pasta Salad and Salsa
Mexican Rice with Mexican Wings
Tortilla Wraps with Salsa
Tortilla Wraps with Salsa and Grilled Portobello Mushrooms
Tortilla Wraps with Salsa
Mexican Chili Burgers with Grilled Portobello Mushrooms, Pasta Salad and Salsa
Mexican Chili Burgers with Grilled Portobello Mushrooms, Pasta Salad and Salsa
What’s a Mexican fiesta without Tequila?

More Tequila!

I shopped for the ingredients at Cold Storage and spent less than a hundred ringgit for the meals I dished out. As I have mentioned before, you could always enjoy fine dining at the comfort of your very home for a reasonable price if you put in some effort.

Now, go ahead and plan for your own Mexican fiesta! Don’t forget the tequila too!

Iva Sivaraja (Gastronomy Mom)

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