Malaysia reported 2,641 new COVID-19 cases, but discharged 2,808 patients who fully recovered! Here are the COVID-19 updates for Malaysia on 10 January 2022… ...
Does the Sinovac booster dose really offer 94% protection against the Omicron variant? Let’s take a look at their claim, and find out what the facts really are!...
The new MySJ Trace feature has raised many questions, and here are the answers to your frequently asked questions! MySJ Trace : Answers To Your Frequently Asked Qu...
Malaysia reported 2,888 new COVID-19 cases, but discharged 2,714 patients who fully recovered! Here are the COVID-19 updates for Malaysia on 9 January 2022… ...
Did Malaysia just ban travel from 23 countries, after they recorded over 150,000 COVID-19 cases? Here is what you need to know! Claim : Malaysia Travel Ban On 23 C...
Watch out for the Toyota 80th Anniversary Celebration scam, and the fake giveaway of a Toyota Corolla! Find out why it is a SCAM, and please alert your family and friends...
Here is our UPDATED video + pictorial guide on how to ENABLE and DISABLE MySJ Trace in MySejahtera! Why Enable MySJ Trace In MySejahtera? MySJ Trace is a new MySej...
Malaysia reported 3,251 new COVID-19 cases, but discharged 3,161 patients who fully recovered! Here are the COVID-19 updates for Malaysia on 8 January 2022… ...
Malaysia reported 3,381 new COVID-19 cases, but discharged 3,447 patients who fully recovered! Here are the COVID-19 updates for Malaysia on 7 January 2022… ...
Malaysia has officially approved two Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine formulations for children! Here is what you need to know! Malaysia Approves Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Fo...
Malaysia has officially approved the CanSino Convidecia vaccine as a booster dose! Here is what you need to know! Malaysia Approves CanSino Vaccine Booster Dose! O...
Find out why the expiry date on the COVID-19 vaccine vial is NOT ACCURATE, and why you should NOT look at it. Claim : Vial Expiry Date Proves That The Vaccine Has...
Malaysia reported 3,543 new COVID-19 cases, but discharged 3,484 patients who fully recovered! Here are the COVID-19 updates for Malaysia on 6 January 2022… ...
If MySejahtera is now working properly, you can try to clear its App Cache! Here is our step-by-step guide on how to clear the MySejahtera App Cache! Why You Need...
Please watch out for the TnG eWallet 5th Anniversary survey scam! Find out why it is just a SCAM, and WARN your family and friends! TnG eWallet 5th Anniversary Sur...
Malaysia reported 3,270 new COVID-19 cases, but discharged 3,195 patients who fully recovered! Here are the COVID-19 updates for Malaysia on 5 January 2022… ...
Will the Section 106A amendment let LHDN access your bank accounts, without consent or knowledge? Let’s take a look at the controversial amendment, and find out wha...
Find out why you cannot Check Out anymore in MySejahtera, and what you should do about that! No More Check Out Function In MySejahtera! At the end of December 2021...
Malaysia reported 2,842 new COVID-19 cases, but discharged 2,862 patients who fully recovered! Here are the COVID-19 updates for Malaysia on 4 January 2022… ...
Can the Malaysian government use MySJ Trace to track your location and movement 24/7? Find out what people are worried about, and what the FACTS really are! Claim...