Last week, Korean actor and heartthrob Park Bo-Gum flew in from Seoul to grace the Samsung Galaxy S9 launch here in Malaysia. He joined local celebrities like Jinny Boy, Reuben Kang, Serene Lim and Serena C in welcoming the latest Samsung smartphone to Malaysia.
Thousands of Samsung and Park Bo-gum fans lined up for hours just to catch a glimpse of Park Bo-gum. They flooded the center concourse of Pavilion Kuala Lumpur, and even caused a massive traffic jam outside!
Check out our extensive photo and video coverage of Park Bo-Gum at the Galaxy S9 launch!
Park Bo-gum @ Samsung Galaxy S9 Launch!
The President of Samsung Malaysia Electronics, Yoonsoo Kim, kicked off the Samsung Galaxy S9 launch event.
Then Malaysian celebrities Jinny Boy, Reuben Kang and Serene Lim welcomed Park Bo-gum to the Samsung Galaxy S9 launch.
For those of you who want an even higher-resolution video, we prepared a 4K video (with additional footage) for you!
Not enough? Here are ten photos we took of the Samsung Galaxy S9 launch event, and Park Bo-gum. Enjoy!
The Samsung Galaxy S9
Tech ARP covered the new Samsung Galaxy S9 extensively, calling it the Galaxy S8 perfected. It addressed the few things they did not like about the Galaxy S8, and added new photographic and AI capabilities. It will come in these three colour options :
Read their comprehensive review of the Samsung Galaxy S9, and find out why they gave it their Editor’s Choice Award!
They also provided a table that summarises the four models that will be offered here in Malaysia, and their prices versus the cheapest US prices.
Model | US Price | Malaysian Price (with 6% GST) |
Malaysian Price (w/o GST) |
Difference (w/o GST) |
Samsung Galaxy S9 (64 GB) | $ 719.99 | RM 3,299 (~$ 845) |
RM 3,112 (~$ 798) |
$78 (11%) |
Samsung Galaxy S9+ (64 GB) | $ 839.99 | RM 3,799 (~$ 974) |
RM 3,584 (~$ 919) |
$79 (9.4%) |
Samsung Galaxy S9+ (128 GB) | NA | RM 3,999 (~$ 1,025) |
RM 3,773 (~$ 967) |
– |
Samsung Galaxy S9+ (256 GB) | NA | RM 4,399 (~$ 1,128) |
RM 4,150 (~$ 1,064) |
– |
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