Did Dr. Peter McCullough testify to the EU Parliament on COVID-19 vaccine safety on 13 September 2023?!
Take a look at the viral claims, and find out what the facts really are!
Peter McCullough Testified To EU Parliament On Vaccine Safety?!
People are sharing Twitter (X) and Rumble videos of Dr. Peter McCullough, claiming that he testified about the dangers of COVID-19 vaccines to the EU Parliament on 13 September 2023:
World Council for Health (WCH) : In a session focused on the @WHO, Dr Peter McCullough (@P_McCulloughMD) delivered a powerful speech to the EU Parliament ahead of his upcoming WCH event in Bath, UK with Dr Tess Lawrie on Tuesday.
William Sumner Scott : The EU decided to allow Dr. Peter McCullough to make his presentation of the dangers of the covid – 19 vaccines. Bottom line, do not take any more of them.
America Out Lout : Dr. McCullough delivered a speech to the European Union Parliament on September 13, 2023, in a session dedicated to the World Health Organization and Pandemic response.
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Peter McCullough Testified At EU Parliament : What I Discovered
Don’t be surprised if you did not see any EU Parliament announcement about banning COVID-19 vaccines, after Dr. Peter McCullough’s damning testimony to them.
Such a tremendous testimony should have made international news, shouldn’t it? After doing some research, this was what I discovered…
Fact #1 : Hearing Was About New WHO Proposed Rules
Like me, you probably thought that the EU Parliament invited Dr. Peter McCullough to testify about the safety of COVID-19 vaccines.
However, the event was actually billed as an “Expert hearing with Q&A” on “Health & Democracy under WHO’s new proposed rules“.
The new WHO rules they are referring to are really proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) that WHO member states themselves have drafted and negotiated since December 2021.
Fact #2 : It Was Not An Official European Parliament Event
If you check the European Parliament website, you will not find this event listed at all. You also won’t find it in the European Parliament’s list of official events for September 2023:
Hearings : A committee is permitted to organise a hearing with experts, where this is considered essential to its work on a particular subject. No hearings were held in August or September 2023.
Workshops : Workshops are organised by the policy departments and enable members to put questions to and exchange views with experts on subjects associated with parliamentary business or subjects of current interest. No workshops were held in September 2023.
Other Events : All other public events organised as part of committee activities involving external speakers or experts. Only one event was scheduled for September 2023 – the 13th meeting of the Joint Parliamentary Scrutiny Group on Europe on 20 September 2023.
As far as I can tell – the Health & Democracy under WHO’s new proposed rules event was not an official European Parliament event. It appears to consist of allotted time for the speakers to speak to the attendees and a livestream from within a European Parliament room, similar to the earlier International COVID Summit III.
Perhaps that was ultimately the purpose of this event – to give those speakers the patina of European Parliamentary approval? Perhaps that was all they wanted.
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Fact #3 : The Event Was Held At De Madariaga S7 Room
It took some digging, but I managed to trace the location of this event. It was not held in the grand plenary hall where the 705 Members of the European Parliament meet, of course.
Rather, the Health & Democracy under WHO’s new proposed rules event took place from 2:30 PM until 4:30 PM at the S7 room in the Salvador de Madariaga (SDM) building.
This is a different, secondary building across the river from the main Louise Weiss building, with many rooms available for MEPs to use.
This appears to be a smaller version of the earlier International COVID Summit III event.
Fact #4 : Event Was Hosted By ECR + ID Parliamentary Groups
The Health & Democracy under WHO’s new proposed rules event appears to be sponsored or hosted by several European Parliament Members from the ECR (European Conservatives and Reformists), and the Identity and Democracy (ID) groups.
- MEP Christine Anderson, Identity and Democracy – Germany
- MEP Mislav Kolakušić, Non-attached Member of the European Parliament – Croatia
- MEP Ivan Vilibor Sinčić, Non-attached Member of the European Parliament – Croatia
- MEP Cristian Terheş, European Conservatives and Reformists – Romania
- MEP Virginie Joron, Identity and Democracy – France
That explains how this event was held within the European Parliament building, even though it was not an official or sanctioned event. This is similar to the earlier International COVID Summit III event.
Obviously, speaking to those five MEPs do not constitute speaking to the European Parliament itself, since 700 other MEPs were not in the room, and it wasn’t even an official event!
On top of that, the event banner shows that they were not there as official representatives of the European Parliament, but as “hosting MEPs”…
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Fact #4 : European Parliament Had Plenary Session At That Time
While it may appear that Dr. Peter McCullough and the other people at the event were speaking to the European Parliament itself, the truth is – the European Parliament was in the midst of a 4-day plenary session from 11-14 September 2023.
At the same time that Dr. McCullough was giving his “testimony” in the S7 room in the Salvador de Madariaga building across the river, the European Parliament itself was in the grand plenary hall in the Louise Weiss building for issues like:
- Topical debate (Rule 162) – Reviewing the protection status of wolves and other large carnivores in the EU
- Presentation by the Council of its position on the draft general budget – 2024 financial year
- Report on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a framework for ensuring a secure and sustainable supply of critical raw materials and amending Regulations (EU) 168/2013, (EU) 2018/858, 2018/1724 and (EU) 2019/1020
- Opening of negotiations of an agreement with the United States of America on strengthening international supply chains of critical minerals
- Report with recommendations to the Commission on amending the proposed mechanism to resolve legal and administrative obstacles in a cross-border context
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Fact #5 : All Hosting MEPs Attended Plenary Session!
The Health & Democracy under WHO’s new proposed rules event was hosted by five MEPs. However, the video does not actually show them present in the McCullough testimony video.
When I checked the attendance register, I was surprised to see that all five MEPs attended the plenary session on 13 September 2023 at the Louise Weiss building across the river!
- Christine Anderson
- Mislav Kolakušić
- Ivan Vilibor Sinčić
- Cristian Terheş
- Virginie Joron
It is possible that those five MEPs may have taken time off from the plenary session to drop by the unofficial event they hosted. But there is currently no evidence that I can find to show that they were present during Peter McCullough’s testimony.
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Name : Adrian Wong
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Dr. Adrian Wong has been writing about tech and science since 1997, even publishing a book with Prentice Hall called Breaking Through The BIOS Barrier (ISBN 978-0131455368) while in medical school.
He continues to devote countless hours every day writing about tech, medicine and science, in his pursuit of facts in a post-truth world.
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