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Pos Malaysia : No Bonus Scam Exposed!

The claim about Pos Malaysia postmen not getting a bonus for Hari Raya has been exposed as a SCAM!

Here are the details of what scam was all about, and how the police caught him!


The Pos Malaysia No Bonus Scam

Malaysian netizens have been taken for another ride by yet another scammer! This time, it was a social media scam by a postman.

On 16 May 2020, pictures of a postman sitting down forlornly spread like wildfire across Facebook, WhatsApp and Twitter. They all had roughly the same message (with our English translation below) :

Ya Allah sedihnya,ni bukan cerita rekaan tapi cerita betul,tadi lepas abg Posmen ni selesai hantar surat dan barang yg aku beli online tu,ada org call dia,lepas jawab call tu dia terus duduk termenung disitu dalam keadaan basah lencun,masa tu tengah hujan lebat,aku tengok muka dia memang nampak sedih sgat,aku segan nak tanya sebab aku ingat dia baru putus cinta ka apa kan,so aku suruh adik aku tanya dia kenapa muka nampak sedih,mulanya dia kata x ada apa-apa lah,bila ditanya dua tiga kali akhirnya dia jawab,dia kata kawan dia call tadi bagitau tahun ni dorang x ada bonus,katanya x pernah lagi jadi macam ni,tahun lepas dapat jugak RM1000 tapi tahun ni x dapat langsung,dia kata dah lah kerja makin banyak tapi bonus pulak x ada,dia cakap dalam keadaan sebak dan meleleh jugak air mata jantan dia,dia kata dia sgat berharap dapat bonus tu,dia nak kena tanggung family dia sebab ayah dia dah meninggal 3 tahun lepas,nak bayar hutang motor,rumah sewa dan macam² lagi,gaji dia RM1k lebih ja,aku nak tanya pihak Pos Malaysia Berhad dan Poslaju Malaysia ,betulkah tahun ini tiada bonus? Bukankah sejak PKP ni barang Poslaju semakin banyak sangat? Bila barang semakin banyak bermakna untung semakin banyak,lagipun minyak dah semakin murah kan? Kenapa x boleh bagi bonus pada staff kamu? Sepatutnya kena bagi lebih dari tahun lepas bukannya langsung x bagi,jangan jadikan corvid-19 sebagai alasan untuk tidak bayar bonus pada staff kamu,kalau x kerana corvid-19 dan PKP takkan lah korang nak dapat pelanggan ramai sampai berkali-kali ganda kan? Saya harap pihak berkenaan dan kerajaan Malaysia tolong bersuara bagi pihak posmen di Malaysia ini,kesiankanlah mereka wira barisan hadapan yg tidak didendang ini😭😭😭

After this postman delivered a letter and my online purchase, someone called him. After he answered the call, he sat down looking into the distance, soaking wet (it was raining heavily at that time). He looked sad.

I was shy to ask because I thought he was just jilted, so I asked my younger brother to ask.

At first, he said there was nothing, but after asking two three times, he told us that his friend called to tell him that this year, they would not be getting a bonus.

He said that this has never happened before, and last year, they received RM 1,000 but this year, they are getting nothing at all.

While sobbing, he said that his work got heavier, but there was no bonus. He has to support his family because his father died 3 years ago, and he has to pay for his motorcycle loan, house rental and so on. Yet his salary is just over RM 1,000.

I ask Pos Malaysia Berhad and Poslaju Malaysia – is it true that this year there is no bonus? Isn’t it true that Poslaju deliveries have increased since the MCO started?

More deliveries mean more profit, and besides, fuel is cheaper now, right? Why can’t you give a bonus to your staff? By right, you should give more than last year, not avoid giving them at all. Don’t use COVID-19 as your excuse not to pay your staff.

I hope the relevant authorities and the Malaysian government will speak up on behalf of the postmen of Malaysian. Pity these stalwart frontline heroes.

The Facebook post that was originally posted on Masakan Utara Barat went viral, leading to a petition with over 58,000 signing it.


The Pos Malaysia No Bonus Scam Exposed!

After the pictures and post went viral, Pos Malaysia issued a statement pointing out that while parcel volume has gone up, it was not enough to cushion the impact the pandemic has caused on their overall business.

But some people were a little suspicious of the claim. According to Friends of Posmen, Pos Malaysia actually gave 23,000 of their staff a small RM 250 gratuity for Ramadan.

But what pushed a false claim on social media into a scam was when the Facebook page admins allegedly gave people the postman’s bank account for their donations.

According to Seberang Prai Central OCPD Assistant Commissioner Shafee Samad, many people sympathised with the postman and wanted to help him.

“The postman had asked the page admins to upload his picture with a caption that says he is not getting any bonus from his employer.

The page admins would then give out the postman’s bank account number to those who sympathise with him.”

When Pos Malaysia’s HR department queried the 22 year-old postman about his post, he denied his involvement and even lodged a police report to defend himself.

It was based on his own police report that the police detained him at the Seberang Perai Central police headquarters in Bandar Perda.

They also detained a 23 year-old man, and a 35 year-old woman, who were the Facebook page admins and the postman’s siblings.

According to ACP Shafee, the postman received about RM 5,000 in public donations so far, and he had already spent a portion on “personal things”.

The case, according to the Star, is now being investigated under Section 420 of the Penal Code for cheating.


Other Scams + Hoaxes To Be Aware Of!


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