You might have seen pictures of Michelle and Barack Obama showing their support for the Bersih 4 and Bers ...
Did Michelle & Barack Obama Support Bersih 4 & 5?
Posted by Dr. Adrian WongDid Michelle & Barack Obama Support Bersih 4 & 5?
You might have seen pictures of Michelle and Barack Obama showing their support for the Bersih 4 and Bersih 5 rallies. Check them out : Here is the larger pictures. They look pretty real, don't they? ...
| by Dr. Adrian Wong -
Another Faux Pas By The Director-General Of Information?
Posted by Dr. Adrian WongAnother Faux Pas By The Director-General Of Information?
We were so engrossed with our coverage of Bersih 4.0 that we missed another faux pas by the Director-Gene ...
We were so engrossed with our coverage of Bersih 4.0 that we missed another faux pas by the Director-General of the Department Of Information, Dato' Haji Ibrahim Abdul Rahman. If you recall, he was th ...
| by Dr. Adrian Wong