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TikTok Finally Bans Skull Breaker / Tripping Jump Videos!

After the big public uproar – thanks to everyone sharing about this issue! – TikTok finally announced that they are banning Skull Breaker / Tripping Jump videos!

Find out what the Tripping Jump / Skull Breaker Challenge is all about, and why TikTok finally banned these videos!


Tripping Jump / Skull Breaker Challenge Explained!

The tripping jump challenge appears to have originated in South America as the Skullbreaker Challenge on TikTok, so you may hear it referred to as Rompcráneos or Rasteira in Spanish.

It quickly spread across the world, as kids and even adults try to record themselves pranking others with it on TikTok!

The challenge is simple in concept, but takes two to play it and an innocent victim to make fun of.

  1. Trick the victim into thinking that the two of you want to record a slow-motion video of all three jumping.
  2. Set up a camera to record the action, or have someone record it for you.
  3. As the victim jumps, you both kick his / her legs, so the victim falls flat while you guys laugh.
  4. Share the video on TikTok for likes!

Funny, right? Yeah, if you are an asshole… because this challenge is known as the Skull Breaker Challenge for a reason!


Tripping Jump / Skull Breaker Challenge Danger!

Take a look at this video which showcases five different tripping jump / skull breaker challenge videos. Watch how ALL five victims hit the back of their heads, and at least two of them are knocked unconscious!

The Austin ISD Police Department opened an investigation into one case involving a student at the Austin Independent School District, who sustained head injuries after being tricked into the skull breaker challenge at the school library.

In Florida, parents of a victim pressed charges against two Seabreeze High School students who performed the skull breaker challenge on their daughter (who was said to be a special needs student).

Valerie Hodson of Arizona shared that her son was knocked unconscious with a head injury after two boys performed the tripping jump challenge on him.

Recommended : Skull Breaker TikTok Challenge : One Mother’s Warning!

Some perpetrators are even bullying students into becoming their victims, as a tripping jump challenge incident at the South Dade Senior High School on 4 February 2020 demonstrated :

“They kept asking me until I said yes,” the 16-year-old freshman said.

When the victim jumped, the two students swept her legs out from under her, causing her to fall backwards and hurt her neck and head.

“I jumped really high and I remember them kicking me off my feet and I fell on my head,” she said.

The two perpetrators including the student filming the challenge were disciplined, but the victim had to transfer to another school, and is currently being treated for her injuries.

This challenge has even claimed at least one life – a 16-year old Emanuela Medeiros who hit her head on the floor, and died.

Recommended : Skull Breaker Challenge Killed This Girl : Warn Your Kids!

Unfortunately, her death did not stop Brazilian social media influencers, Irmãos Fuinha, from trying to popularise this stupid challenge.

They only apologised for doing this after they were severely criticised by Brazilian celebrities and medical professionals!

Recommended : Irmaos Fuinha : Thank These IDIOTS For Skull Breaker!


TikTok Bans Tripping Jump / Skull Breaker Challenge!

Yesterday, TikTok issued this official statement on the Tripping Jump / Skull Breaker challenge :

The safety and well-being of our users is a top priority at TikTok.

As made clear in our Community Guidelines, we do not allow content that encourages, promotes, or glorifies dangerous challenges that might lead to injury, and this includes the skull breaker challenge.

Our content moderation team are on the lookout and we will remove any such content promptly.

It took them long enough to act. Sadly, a girl had to die, and a number of kids (and even adults) were injured.

PS. If you are worried about the Fuinha (@fuinha) brothers, don’t worry – TikTok will never take down a popular channel. All is forgiven, because they have a new Level Up Challenge for all of their young fans on TikTok!

To be fair, at least TikTok has finally banned the videos, if not the “influencers” who popularised them… Facebook appears to have left the videos up, albeit with a warning cover over them.


Look! TikTok Has New Celebrities!

To help us forget about such sad matters, they also announced that 18 celebrities have joined TikTok… including Will Smith (@willsmith), The Rock (@therock), Steve Harvey (@steveharvey), and BTS (@bts_official_bighit).

Hurrah! LOOK at all that star power! All’s well now. Nothing to see here. Move along, everyone… Move on, move on…

Come on… there’s also Park Bom (@officialparkbom), MAMAMOO (@mamamoo_official), and yes, Terry Crews (@terrycrews)!

Are you NOT entertained???


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